Burst Balloons |
It is our mission to bring enlightenment to those less fortunate than ourselves! We tour Europe, and beyond, providing economic relief...buying lots of beer! Members can be seen in their distinctive blue polo-shirts, with the Burst Balloons TA logo.
Mainly Everyone's a Nutter Tartan Army (MENTA) |
M.E.N.T.A. (Mainly Everyone's a Nutter Tartan Army) Patron Saint - Julie Andrews (No website)
Single Parents Tartan Army |
SPTA was conceived round about 40 years ago by several foot soldiers who have lately followed the National team courtesy of the HEBRIDES bar in Edinburgh. We still use the facilities and transport arrangements of the HEBTA and are very grateful for the privilege. The name of the club speaks for itself although not all of the members are single or parent’s but, to advance to committee status it is beneficial. The SPTA are amalgamated with the FPA (Forth Ports Hillwalking Club ). The hard core of the club regularly find themselves immersed in drink around the many seedy and sometimes more intellectual parts of Europe and beyond. This site consists mainly of pictures from these trips, past and present.
Sharkin’ All Over The World. A very small but unique group of TA footsoldiers who spread the thotta vibe wherever they go. Members come from all over Scotland, Pollock to Findochy, Aberdeen to Motherwell. (No website)
Virtual Tartan Army (ViTA) |
The concept of a Virtual Tartan Army was formed following much debate on the Tartan Army Message Board and a belief that less than 5% of Scotland Supporters Club membership were directly represented by ATAC (Association of Tartan Army Clubs), who enjoy a direct dialogue with the Scottish Football Association on a whole range of issues affecting the entire Tartan Army. (No website)
Wee Midges Tartan Army |
Wee Midges Tartan Army - location unknown.