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Scottish Football Related Sites

Extra Time Memorabilia We are a rapidly growing Scottish based business specialising in the expanding and exciting world of football memorabilia.
If Things Were Perfect Scottish Premier League Foum - If Things Were Perfect
Scottish Premier League Official site of the Scottish Premier League
Scotzine A Football website dedicated to the Beautiful Game in Scotland from the heights of International level, Europe and the SPL down to the Third Division we have it all. A truelly independent site ran by football fans for football fans! Forum, Blog, Photo Gallery, Fanzine, Articles, News and Match Reports we know what the Scottish Footie fan wants and we aim to give it.
The Full Ten Yards Scottish football, a league where nearly everything is written about Rangers or Celtic, a league where you are either Green or Blue. This blog will try to look more closely at the ten other teams in the Scottish Premier League and the main stories from the Scottish Football League, in a bid to bring the rest of Scottish Football into the limelight.
We Know SFA There are three main categories we will try to cover: SFA: The national team, the pride of the nation and the backroom bunglers. SPL: All the news and action from the top flight: Cups and the rest: Our cup competitions and all the action from the SFL So whether you are a Tartan Amy footsoldier, a lover of the big-two or a hater of the gruesome twosome, get to Know SFA


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