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Other Tartan Army Websites

Association of Tartan Army Clubs (ATAC) The Association of Tartan Army Clubs directly represents over 1500 members of Tartan Army Clubs through Scotland and beyond.
Famous Tartan Army Magazine Famous Tartan Army is a new magazine that a few of us hardened foot soldiers have put together, but importantly it is for all footsoldiers to contribute to.
Geez the Bounce Fansite of fun and nonsense  (No website)
Passport Travel Charters to Scotland International Games abroad
Paulzie Homepage Paulzie's Tartan Army Photos
Simpsons T-Shirt Shack Tartan Army on Tour t-shirts and sweatshirts for footsoldiers. Various designs and styles available including map showing venues and dates for the qualifying games of the 2010 FIFA World Cup.
Tartan Army Childrens Charity TACC is a registered Scottish charity (reg. SC038330) run by Scotland supporters. Their aim is to help disadvantaged children in Scotland and in countries that we visit whilst supporting Scotland’s national football team.
Tartan Army Email List the discussion list for the Tartan Army footsoldiers, the kilted followers of the Scotland national football (soccer) team.
Tartan Army Message Board (TAMB) Leave a message, arrange a meeting point on tour or get something off your chest at the TA messageboard.
Tartan Army Select Football Team Tartan Army Select Football club  (No website)
Tartan Army Sunshine Appeal Being part of the Tartan Army is more than a love of football or representing Scotland abroad. It's about making friends wherever we go and it was one of those friendships that led to the Tartan Army Sunshine Appeal.
Tartan Army Travel Your guide to the Euro 2008 Qualifiers. How to get there, currency, visa, languages, the ground, the city and other useful information
Tartan Specials Tartan Army band who sing Tartan army songs. Sung the orriginal and best "We'll be coming"
Teabag Tartan Army For supporters of the Scotland International Wimmens team.  (No website)


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